
Welcome to the Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLV — the first allopathic medical school in the Las Vegas Valley offering an innovative educational program that includes patient experience throughout all 4 years of the curriculum. The national accrediting body, Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME), cited the Kerkorian School of Medicine as creating a thoughtful and innovative curriculum that is well integrated with the school's mission.

Our school now is accepting applications via AMCAS.

Charter Class graduate student, Toyokazu (Chris) Endo, at the Commencement and Academic Hooding Ceremony

COVID-19 Announcements for Admissions

MCAT Test Scores

Applicants must take the MCAT no later than October 1st. This includes any retakes. For more information on the MCAT exam and COVID-19, please visit their website.

Online Pre-Requisite Coursework

Consideration for pre-requisite courses that were forced to go online due to COVID-19 may be accepted from the following semesters: Spring 2020, Summer 2020, Fall 2020, Spring 2021, Summer 2021, Fall 2021.

Qualifying courses are those that would have been held on campus (in-person) had COVID-19 not been an issue. Online courses are still not accepted from traditionally online campuses, extension programs, or global campuses that operate solely in a virtual format.

All courses must still be from a U.S. regionally accredited institution.

Pass/Fail Pre-Requisite Coursework

Consideration for pre-requisite courses that were graded as Pass/Fail or Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory due to COVID-19 may be accepted from the following semesters without prejudice: Spring 2020, Summer 2020, Fall 2020, Spring 2021, Summer 2021, Fall 2021.

For more information on how Pass/Fail affects the AMCAS GPA calculation, please visit their website.

Application Deadline

AMCAS applications may be submitted until October 1, 2021. For more information on the AMCAS application schedule and COVID-19, please visit their website.

You may submit an application without your MCAT if all other materials are ready. Similarly, you can submit your application if Letters of Recommendation are also in process. Once your test score is ready, it will flow into your application for the review team to see. Once reference writers submit into the AMCAS Letter Service, those will also come into your file at the school. The MCAT must be taken by October 1st. Letter of Recommendation must arrive by October 1st as well.

UNLV is no longer participating in the Early Decision Program. Applicants who have a strong interest in UNLV should simply apply early in the cycle.

Admission Requirements

Applicant Requirements

The Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLV only accepts primary applications via AMCAS. The application and its materials must be submitted by October 1. There is a fee to complete the primary application and students who need financial assistance can apply for the AAMC Fee Assistance Program.

Applicant access to AMCAS typically begins in May each year with the ability to submit to schools starting in June. Campuses then receive applications in July for review and processing. For more information on the timeline to application and live dates, please visit the AAMC Pre-MedCalendar.

There are 8 required primary application components to apply to the Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLV:

  • Conferred bachelor's degree*
  • MCAT of 499 or higher
  • Cumulative GPA of 3.2 or higher
  • BCPM GPA of 3.2 or higher
  • Pre-requisite courses (see below)
  • 3 to 5 Letters of recommendation
  • Personal statement
  • Up to 15 Experiences


A conferred Bachelor's degree from a U.S. regionally accredited institution is required for admission to the Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLV.

*A degree may be in progress during application but must be conferred prior to starting enrollment at the medical school.


An MCAT score of 499 or higher is required and applicants must submit an MCAT score no later than the final application deadline.

The most recent MCAT score will be used for the admissions screening process and MCAT scores cannot be more than 3 years old.


An undergraduate (cumulative) GPA of 3.2 or higher is required.

A BCPM (biology, chemistry, physics, math) GPA of 3.2 or higher is also required.


Pre-requisite courses cannot be more than 10 years old, must be completed in an in-person format, and need to be graded from a U.S. regionally accredited institution. Students cannot use "Advanced Placement (AP)" credits or courses with Pass/Fail grading for pre-requisites.

Required pre-requisites include the following:

Biology: three semesters; one semester must have laboratory experience

Biochemistry: one semester

Social & Behavioral Science (Psychology or Sociology): one semester

Social and Behavior Science classes in Economics and Communication will not be accepted to satisfy the behavioral sciences requirement. Although these courses deal with human behavior, the scope of information is narrowly confined. Students in medical school require a broader theoretical and scientific foundation as physicians in training and for MCAT preparation.

Medical school pre-requisites are not selected for MCAT preparation and applicants may need additional coursework as part of their MCAT studies. Other recommended courses to help applicants in medical school include: Genetics, Immunology, Molecular Biology, Physiology, Anatomy, Statistics, and Physics.

Letters Of Recommendation

Applicants must submit a minimum of 3 letters of recommendation and up to a maximum of 5 letters. All applicants must have at least one letter of recommendation to be considered for a secondary application.

Letters must be received no later than the application deadline. Letters received after the application deadline will not be considered. Applications who do not have at least three letters of recommendation by the application deadline will be considered incomplete and will not receive further consideration for admissions.

Letters of recommendation must be on letterhead and signed and include contact information for the letter writer. Letter of recommendations can be written from an individual or a committee. Applicants should select letter writers who will reflect their major activities and who know them well. The Admissions Committee prefers letters that address the applicant's suitability for a career in medicine and as a medical student. Letters of recommendation should provide new information in the application; not restate activities the applicant has already provided.

Letters only will be accepted through the AMCAS Letter Service. Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLV will not accept letters of recommendation by any other process.

Personal Statement

Applicants will need to submit a personal statement. For more information on writing personal statements for medical school, please visit the AAMC Choosing A Medical Career website.


Applicants need to list experiences that can include: community service, clinical experiences, employment, college clubs/organizations, research, and other extracurricular activities. For more information on completing this portion of the AMCAS application please visit the AAMC Application Guide.

Additional Information

Applicants must be US citizens or permanent residents of the US (green card holders) or have Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status.

Applicants should also work with their campus' pre-health/pre-professional advisors when preparing to apply to medical school. Applicants may also use school websites, AAMC guides, and the Medical School Admissions Requirements (MSAR) website.

Finally, applicants should know that the Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLV gives priority to Nevada Residents and applicants with significant ties to the state. For more information, please review the Admissions Criteria for In-State and Out-of-State Status below.

Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLV Secondary Application

After review of the primary AMCAS application, select and competitive individuals will be asked to submit a Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLV Secondary Application.

This application is completed online in UNLV's ApplyWeb portal and has a separate fee of $75. Students who qualify for the AMCAS fee assistance program will not be required to pay the $75 fee.

The Secondary Application consists of several short essay questions.

Each applicant will also be required to submit a professional photograph, head and neck only, with his/her Secondary Application. This photo will be used throughout the admissions process by admissions committee members, staff, and faculty for all students who complete the secondary application. Professional photographs are strongly encouraged.


Applicants are not required to submit additional transcripts, unless requested to do so by the Office of Admissions. If transcripts are requested, applicants will be given a deadline from the Office of Admissions to do so. Generally, applicants who report courses in progress when submitting the AMCAS application will be required to provide unofficial transcripts, electronically, to the Office of Admissions. Official, hard-copy transcripts are only required for applicants who are accepted to the School of Medicine.

Other Information or Policies

  • The Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLV Office of Admissions Guidance on Peaceful Protests by Medical School Applicants (7/9/2020)

Residency Status for Admissions Purposes

Applicants are considered to be one of three residency statuses for the purpose of admissions review: Nevada Resident, Out-of-State with Significant Ties to Nevada (Nevada Connection), or Out-of-State Resident.

* Please note that this varies from the residency status required to gain in-state tuition upon enrollment .

The residency criteria for admissions use is as follows:

Nevada Resident

Any of the following can qualify you as a Nevada resident for the purpose of admissions review:

  • Currently enrolled, or a graduate of a Nevada university or college who is considered a legal resident of Nevada
  • Graduate of a Nevada public, charter, or private high school who is considered a legal resident of Nevada
  • Born in Nevada and considered a legal resident of Nevada
  • Current or former member of the military who claims Nevada as their primary state of residence
  • Dependent of an active-duty military member who claims Nevada as their primary state of residence
  • Physically lived in Nevada for at least 12 months prior to matriculation and has established residency

Out-of-State with Significant Ties to Nevada (Nevada Connection)

Any of the following can qualify you as an Out-of-State Resident with Significant Ties for the purpose of admissions review:

  • Graduate of a Nevada university or college but no longer considered a legal resident of Nevada
  • Graduate of a Nevada public, charter, or private high school but no longer considered a legal resident of Nevada
  • Born in Nevada but no longer considered a legal resident of Nevada
  • Lived in Nevada previously, before or after the age of 18, for at least 12 months but no longer residing in or considered a legal resident of Nevada
  • Family member(s) currently residing full-time in Nevada (must be primary residence, not secondary home)
    • Tier 1 family includes: mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, sibling(s), spouse/domestic partner
    • Tier 2 family includes: aunt, uncle, cousin(s), significant other (boyfriend, girlfriend, fiancĂ©)

Please note that friends, colleagues, or other known individuals who are not included in one of the family tiers above will not qualify you for a Nevada connection.

Out-of-State Resident

The following will qualify you as an Out-of-State Resident for the purpose of admissions review:

  • No previous connection or residency in Nevada and holds legal residency in another state

Admissions review does consider adjacent state residents to be more competitive than non-adjacent state residents. This includes California, Arizona, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Washington, and Montana.

Information for All Applicants

All applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. (green card holders) or have Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status.

Early Decision Program

Effective April 2021, the Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLV is no longer participating in the Early Decision Program. We recommend that applicants with a strong desire to attend UNLV apply early and with a complete application to be reviewed as soon as possible. Nevada residents and those with ties to Nevada are given priority.

Deferred Admission

Students admitted to Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLV, via the EDP or otherwise, may request a one-year deferral. Deferral requests are not encouraged and will only be considered in unusual circumstances for unforeseen and serious life-changing events. Except in the case of a medical emergency, deferral requests must be submitted prior to June 1 of the first year of medical school. Accepted students who wish to consider a deferral should contact the Director of Admissions as soon as possible. An application for deferral is required. No request exceeding one year will be considered. Applicants should not apply via EDP if they are aware of a possible reason that would prevent an on-time start in the MD program.

Alternate List

The Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLV Admissions Committee wraps up their season each year by building an alternate list of 70-100 applicants who interviewed during the admissions season. Alternate lists are ranked internally and as seats open in the cohort, the Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Admissions will contact alternate list members to offer admissions. Applicants who are chosen for the waitlist must respond within 24 hours that they want their waitlist seat. In addition, offers of admissions made to alternate list members must also be accepted within 24 hours. Applicants may continue to remain on other waitlists during this time but must make a final decision no later than June 15th to commit to the Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLV. The AMCAS CYMS program is also used during this process.

Transfer requests and transfer requests with advanced standing

Due to the unique curriculum of the Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLV, the school will not accept transfer requests.

Technical standards for admission and matriculation

Applicants must have specific cognitive, behavioral and physical abilities required to successfully complete all aspects of the curriculum, and to the development of professional attributes required to graduate with an MD degree.

Students must be able to function independently in their care and interactions without using a surrogate in any of the following categories:

  1. Individual and cognitive ability
    Students must be able to master information presented in coursework presented in multiple formats including: lectures, small group discussion and seminars, written materials, projected images, other forms of media and web-based formats, and simulations requiring different skills.
    Students must have the cognitive abilities needed to master relevant content in basic science and clinical courses at a level deemed appropriate by the faculty. Students must be able to comprehend, memorize and analyze material. They must be able to discern and comprehend dimensional and spatial relationships of structures and to develop reasoning and decision-making skills appropriate for medical practice.
    Successful completion of examinations is an essential component of the medical school curriculum for all students.
  2. Professionalism, behavioral and social aspects of performance
    Students must possess personal qualities including compassion, empathy, altruism, integrity, responsibility, and sensitivity to diversity and tolerance. They must understand and apply appropriate standards of medical ethics and must maintain appropriate personal and professional boundaries in all settings -- including when they care for patients and their families and when they interact with faculty, residents, peers and staff. Students must be able to function as members of a multidisciplinary health care team in each setting, regardless of specialty.
  3. Communication
    Student must communicate effectively in English with patients, families, faculty, physicians and other members of the health care team. They are required to process all information provided by patients, families, peers, coworkers and faculty, including recognizing the significance of non-verbal responses, so that they may provide appropriate, timely and focused follow-up inquiry. Students must be capable of responsive and empathetic communication, which establishes rapport and promotes openness on issues of concern and sensitivity to cultural differences.

    Students must process and communicate information about a patient's status in a timely manner, and with appropriate of accuracy and comprehensiveness, to physicians and other members of the health care team in settings in which time is limited. Written, dictated or electronic medical records of patient assessments, treatment plans, prescriptions and such must be timely, complete and accurate. The ability to interact with and utilize electronic medical records is essential. Also of primary importance is patient safety, so students must recognize when they lack the skills or knowledge to make the correct decision or manage a situation without assistance.

  4. Physical and mental requirements
    These include required abilities in the area of observation, perception, sensory and tactile functions, fine and gross motor coordination, and stamina necessary in the examination, assessment and safe care of patients.

    Students must be able to obtain a medical history and perform a physical examination without the use of an intermediary. They will be required to perform a comprehensive physical examination during the Introduction to Clinical Medicine component of the curriculum. See Required Components of the Physical Exam, page 31 of the Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLV Student Handbook.

Medical student learning takes place in an environment focused on the unpredictable needs of patients. Academic and clinical responsibilities may require working during day and evening hours, any day of the week, at unpredictable times and for unpredictable durations. Students must be able to adapt to changing environments, demonstrate flexibility and learn to function during the uncertainty inherent in clinical environments. In addition, they must have the physical and emotional stamina, stability and capacity to function in a competent manner in clinic, hospital, classroom and laboratory settings that may involve heavy workloads, long hours and stressful situations.

Students must possess the emotional health required to appropriately use their intellectual abilities, exercise good judgment and complete all responsibilities attendant to their academic work, team work and patient care in a timely manner.
An individual whose performance is impaired by the abuse of alcohol or other substances is not a suitable student for admission, retention, promotion or graduation. All accepted students must certify that they have read and understand their responsibility of meeting the essential functions as outlined in the Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLV Technical Standards Admission and Matriculation. They must continue to meet the essential functions as outlined in the Kerkorian School of Medicine Technical Standards throughout their enrollment.

Admissions Contact Information

Interested in attending Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLV?
Attend one of our informational sessions. See complete list of events.

Frequently Asked Questions


My MCAT has been cancelled and my new test date is further out, what do I do?

The Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLV will accept an MCAT taken by October 1st.

Should I apply even if my MCAT is pending?

Yes, submit your application with all the other components. When your MCAT score is ready, it will come to us for your application.

I had to take a P/F, will you accept my pre-requisites without a letter grade?

Yes, please see the COVID section at the top for applicable semesters.

My clinical experience was canceled due to COVID-19, how does that affect my application?

Some form of clinical experience is required by our admissions committee (shadowing, hospital volunteer, scribing, field work in another medical role, etc.), and typically we like to see 50-100 hours or more. As long as you have some form of clinical/patient experience and exposure though, we can consider your application in this next cycle. We ask that you provide additional information in the Secondary Application regarding your inability to do a pending clinical experience.

Will there be an application area for me to share COVID-19 impact to my application?

Yes, this will be included in the Secondary Application. You can indicate a delay with the MCAT, an inability to do a clinical experience, the requirements of a P/F by your institution, a family or economic hardship, etc.

Will the interviews be in-person and during the normal timeframe?

The Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLV will have virtual interviews again for the 2021-2022 application cycle.


How do I apply to the Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLV?

Applicants use the American Medical College Admissions Service (AMCAS).

Can I update my application once I apply?

No. If you are waiting for an MCAT retake score, that will update automatically as long as it arrives before the application deadline. If any courses are in progress at the time of application, the Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLV may contact you directly to request unofficial transcripts as needed to prove completion but that course will not factor into your GPA already calculated from AMCAS. The Kerkorian School of Medicine does NOT take letters of intent.

I'm missing one of the required courses. Can I still be considered and take the course before starting medical school?

All pre-requisites should be completed or in-progress at the time of application.

Is the MCAT exam required for application?

Yes, and it must be a 499 or higher. Competitive MCATs are typically at 505 or higher. In addition, we cannot accept an MCAT that is more than 3 years old, and we use the latest MCAT score (not an average or the highest out of your attempts). Your MCAT must be received by the application deadline. Please note that AMCAS can take 2 to 4 weeks to relay a score to the school. Please plan accordingly.

How many and what type of letters of evaluation and/or recommendation are required?

Three to five letters will be accepted. Individuals who know the applicant well and can add to the applicant's activities and experiences described in the application and personal statement should write the letters. The medical school does not require a specific type of letter.

How do I submit letters of evaluation/recommendation?

Only by the AMCAS Letter Service.

Is a bachelor's degree required?

Yes. A conferred degree from a U.S. regionally accredited institution is required prior to matriculation.

Is there a fee to submit the secondary application?

Yes, it costs $75 and must be paid prior to submitting the secondary application.

How will applicants be selected for interviews?

Using a holistic review of all application components. Applicants who are Nevada residents or have a significant tie to Nevada are also given priority screening/invitation.

Can out-of-state students be considered for admission to the Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLV?

Our mission is to educate physicians who will serve the state of Nevada. Priority will be given to Nevada residents, those who have previously lived in Nevada, and those who have "connections" to the state of Nevada (family, educational history, prior residence, etc.). A small number of applicants from adjacent states will also be considered.

Are there scholarships and financial aid for students?

Yes, students can qualify for loans from the Federal Direct Unsubsidized and Graduate PLUS programs. Our school also has a scholarship program that offers awards to help cover tuition, fees, and/or the cost of attendance. For more information visit our Student Financial Services website.

How do I apply for a scholarship?

Admitted students are required to submit a Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLV Scholarship Application and a FAFSA within 10 days of accepting their seat. A scholarship committee makes rolling decisions on scholarship awards throughout the spring.

When and where will applicants be interviewed?

Interviews typically occur September thru February each year and are often scheduled on Fridays. Interviews occur at our educational campus at 1001 Shadow Ln. For more information visit our Interview Days page.

What interview format will the Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLV use?

Students will complete two standardized interviews with a faculty and a community member. Applicants also will participate in a full day of programs to learn about the school and its culture, values and curriculum.

Do you accept transfer students?

No, due to the requirements of the curriculum.

If I am admitted, can I defer my admission?

Deferral requests are not encouraged and will only be considered in unusual circumstances and for serious events.

Can I submit a letter of intent?

No. The Admissions Committee does not read or consider letters of intent when reviewing applications.

How do I find out the status of my application?

The Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLV will release information and decisions as they become available. You may also email but we ask that you keep communications as streamlined as possible.

Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLV Students

Kerkorian School of Medicine will recruit academically talented students from Nevada and surrounding states who represent the diverse population of the region and who demonstrate these core values and characteristics:

  • Commitment to service
  • Compassion and empathy
  • Desire to learn
  • Dedication to helping patients and their families
  • Resilience and persistence
  • Strong communication, social, and leadership

"We want students with the desire to live and work in Nevada once they complete their undergraduate and graduate training."

Dr. Barbara Atkinson, Founding Dean

Follow Our Progress

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Cindy Stella, MS

Director of Admissions and Student Financial Services

Cindy Stella

Mail Code: 3070

Fax: 702-895-0074

Alyssa Hill

Administrative Coordinator for Admissions and Onboarding

Alyssa Hill

Mail Code: 3070

Shannon Widdowes

Administrative Coordinator for Outreach and Admissions

U.N.L.V. sign placeholder

Mail Code: 3070