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Privacy Policy | Ancestry Results & Relatives of a Dissimilar Race | Forum Index » Off-Topic | | Author | Message | 02/02/2019 17:55 Subject field: Ancestry Results & Relatives of a Different Race | Anonymous | Anonymous wrote: Anonymous wrote: Anonymous wrote: Bearding wrote: Anonymous wrote: Anonymous wrote: Anonymous wrote: Bearding wrote: Anonymous wrote:Can yous identity relatives that afar? The test identifies the relatives for yous. They bespeak the human relationship (ex: 2nd cousin, tertiary cousin etc), the level of confidence in the match (Extremely High, Good etc), the amount of DNA in common and a side by side comparison of your results. So while I may accept 2% England, the match may accept 89%. I am very skeptical of these commercial Dna tests Oh no. They're ACCURATE. They matched me to relatives I never knew but my parents exercise. No they are not. They are 50% accurate at best. Look at the identical twin post above. Y'all are paying them to take your Deoxyribonucleic acid and use it for whatsoever nefarious turn a profit making scheme they want. Read the fine impress. The commercial Deoxyribonucleic acid tests are non in the to the lowest degree bit ethical. The fine impress I read on Beginnings states they do NOT sell your data or Dna. And you must give separate permissions for every footling thing, including participating in different studies. Identical twinning does not mean identical DNA (or fingerprints). The tests have reunited adopted children with their parents and uncovered family secrets by matching unknown siblings and people to their actual biological fathers. The results are not random or made upward. How would identical twins have different ancestry? Same ancestry but we all pull differently from our parents' Deoxyribonucleic acid. Twin A may pull more Swedish Deoxyribonucleic acid from Mom than Twin B. While Twin B pulled more from Dad'southward High german side and null from Mom's Asian. DNA and physical appearance are ii different things. I'1000 more than 90% African based on my results AND my family tree. But most people think I'm biracial. There are Africans (whose families take never left the continent) who have lighter skin than African-Americans with more European DNA. Deoxyribonucleic acid/Appearance is all a draw. All of that said, I take not watched the videos. Will do so when I have time. Yous are incorrect. Identical twin DNA is almost completely identical. Congenial twins take different Deoxyribonucleic acid. An identical twin is not going to show completely different ancestry in their Dna. That is only nonsense. Plus, in the documentary referenced, they had a Deoxyribonucleic acid expert expect at the raw data to confirm that the twins had identical Deoxyribonucleic acid and that the companies were all looking at the same matter. They were, they just drew very dissimilar conclusions almost race. When asked, they admitted that the interpretation of the results was as much "art" every bit science. | | | 02/02/2019 17:57 Discipline: Ancestry Results & Relatives of a Dissimilar Race | Bearding | Anonymous wrote: Anonymous wrote:In that location was a documentary I saw recently. Identical twins did DNA tests from v of the major companies. They not only got different results betwixt the ii of them simply the results equally to their beginnings was different form each company. They discussed how much of the results are just 'made up' and that most companies tell you that their confidence interval is l% My mom was adopted, but received non-identifying information from the adoption agency. Some of what was in it, was where her family originally came from. I took multiple DNA tests to observe out more data and what was reported from her biological parents is exactly what showed upwards on the tests. Dissimilar companies take different percentages. Ancestry is the 1 with virtually the verbal amounts as reported by her bio-parents. My great-grandmother was from Norway and I take about 12% Scandinavian DNA from Norway co-ordinate to ancestry. I have as well been able to piece together a family tree with information technology and information technology'southward pretty crawly. I constitute my mothers half-sister who was also given upwardly for adoption and we accept helped each other piece everything together. Applause! These DNA tests accept really uncovered a lot of family secrets and brought a lot of families together. And then much then that they're planning a hotline to help people bargain with what they're discovering through these tests. Here'southward a story about a family that discovered an unknown brother through these tests. Sadly, they also discovered 1 of them had a different biological father. Sonny and Brina Hurwitz raised a family in Boston. They both died with secrets. In 2016, their oldest girl, Julie Lawson, took a home Deoxyribonucleic acid test. Later, she persuaded her sister, Fredda Hurwitz, to have one as well. In May, the sisters sat down at the dinner table in Ms. Hurwitz's Falls Church, Va., abode to share their results. A homo's proper name popped up every bit a close genetic match for Ms. Hurwitz. Neither had e'er heard of him. Ms. Lawson searched for the man on Facebook. When she saw his photos, she knew. He looked like their late father. Based on his historic period and the close concrete resemblance, Ms. Lawson immediately told her sister, "He's got to be our blood brother." This was their father's hugger-mugger. He had a child they never knew nearly. https://world wide states/lifestyle/newsfeature/two-sisters-bought-deoxyribonucleic acid-kits-and-the-results-blew-their-family-autonomously/ar-BBT32uH?li=BBnb7Kz&ocid=wispr | | | 02/02/2019 17:59 Field of study: Beginnings Results & Relatives of a Dissimilar Race | Bearding | Anonymous wrote: Anonymous wrote: Anonymous wrote: Anonymous wrote: Anonymous wrote: Anonymous wrote: Anonymous wrote: Anonymous wrote: Anonymous wrote: Anonymous wrote:Can you identity relatives that afar? The exam identifies the relatives for you lot. They indicate the relationship (ex: 2nd cousin, 3rd cousin etc), the level of confidence in the lucifer (Extremely Loftier, Proficient etc), the amount of DNA in mutual and a side past side comparing of your results. So while I may take 2% England, the match may take 89%. I am very skeptical of these commercial Dna tests Oh no. They're ACCURATE. They matched me to relatives I never knew just my parents do. No they are not. They are 50% accurate at best. Wait at the identical twin postal service above. You are paying them to take your Dna and use it for any nefarious profit making scheme they want. Read the fine print. The commercial DNA tests are not in the least chip ethical. The fine print I read on Beginnings states they practice Non sell your information or Dna. And yous must give divide permissions for every little matter, including participating in different studies. Identical twinning does non mean identical DNA (or fingerprints). The tests take reunited adopted children with their parents and uncovered family secrets past matching unknown siblings and people to their actual biological fathers. The results are non random or fabricated upwards. How would identical twins accept different ancestry? Aforementioned ancestry but we all pull differently from our parents' DNA. Twin A may pull more than Swedish Dna from Mom than Twin B. While Twin B pulled more than from Dad's German side and cipher from Mom'southward Asian. DNA and concrete appearance are 2 different things. I'g more than ninety% African based on my results AND my family tree. But near people retrieve I'chiliad biracial. At that place are Africans (whose families take never left the continent) who take lighter skin than African-Americans with more than European DNA. Dna/Appearance is all a draw. All of that said, I have not watched the videos. Will practise and then when I have time. You are wrong. Identical twin Deoxyribonucleic acid is almost completely identical. Fraternal twins have different DNA. An identical twin is not going to show completely dissimilar beginnings in their DNA. That is just nonsense. Plus, in the documentary referenced, they had a Dna expert look at the raw information to confirm that the twins had identical DNA and that the companies were all looking at the aforementioned matter. They were, they just drew very different conclusions nigh race. When asked, they admitted that the interpretation of the results was as much "art" every bit science. Are y'all suggesting that if an identical twin committed a criminal offence constabulary couldn't use Deoxyribonucleic acid to determine who did it? That if a female parent took identical twins on Maury (don't guess me; I'll bet information technology'south happened), in that location would be no need to take a DNA test because their Deoxyribonucleic acid is identical? | | | 02/02/2019 18:02 Subject field: Ancestry Results & Relatives of a Different Race | Anonymous | Anonymous wrote:We come from a famous erstwhile family and people attain out all the time. OP for shits and giggles I would not answer your asking. Why not? We're family! | | | 02/02/2019 18:04 Subject: Ancestry Results & Relatives of a Unlike Race | Anonymous | Anonymous wrote: Anonymous wrote:NP here. You aren't necessarily racist, but you are assuming that they are. That seems unfair. I take European DNA, with a very small percent of W African mixed in, which I only learned from the exam. However, I have e'er assumed that I would find afar cousins who are AA given that any google search of my unusual final proper noun brings up plenty of Black people. I take never been appalled by that - why would I be? Why would anyone be put out by Black relatives "falling from their branches"? It's a big world out in that location. Because that mentality fits perfectly into narrow minded racist'southward brains. Merely re-read OP's post. It is disgusting. But wondering what office is disgusting? Also, I never said anyone would exist 'put out' by what falls from the family tree. But 'shocked' to get the e-mail from i of the darkened leaves. Why are you so triggered? | | | 02/02/2019 18:ten Subject: Beginnings Results & Relatives of a Different Race | Anonymous | Bearding wrote: Anonymous wrote:I am Latina and then we come in all shades. I think you should achieve out to them. Honestly, white people have a heritage of rape and slavery in thos country that they demand to understand. Information technology might backlash though and you end up beingness invited to every family reunion with jello salad and mint juleps. Sweetie -- my "white people" relatives arrived hither in the 1880s and 1920s and stayed in NYC the unabridged time, minding their own "white people" business organisation. Pretty sure you're painting with likewise broad a brush. And you should look deeply into Latin American history (especially pre-Columbian) if y'all desire some true horror stories of rape and slavery. Tin can we end the rape and slavery talk? I wasn't thinking about whatsoever of that when I made this thread-even knowing that my great-groovy grandmother was mulatto. (Because technically, that would make her father my cracking-great-great grandad on my family tree.) This thread was really about my goofy thought 'trolling' my distant white "cousins" to see if/how they'd answer. Worst case scenario would be no response at all. Most of them looked like they'd invite me over. I wasn't expecting whatever of them to respond by calling me the Due north word. Anyhoo, HAS ANYONE REACHED OUT TO A RELATIVE FROM Some other RACE OR HAD I REACH OUT TO THEM? | | | 02/02/2019 18:33 Subject area: Ancestry Results & Relatives of a Different Race | Anonymous | Anonymous wrote: Anonymous wrote: Bearding wrote:NP here. Y'all aren't necessarily racist, simply yous are assuming that they are. That seems unfair. I have European DNA, with a very small percentage of Westward African mixed in, which I simply learned from the test. However, I take always causeless that I would find distant cousins who are AA given that any google search of my unusual concluding name brings up plenty of Black people. I have never been appalled past that - why would I exist? Why would anyone be put out by Black relatives "falling from their branches"? It's a big world out there. Because that mentality fits perfectly into narrow minded racist'southward brains. Merely re-read OP's postal service. It is disgusting. Just wondering what function is disgusting? Also, I never said anyone would exist 'put out' by what falls from the family tree. Simply 'shocked' to become the email from one of the darkened leaves. Why are you lot so triggered? I am non triggered. I am finding information technology is disgusting to imply that people of some other race will be resentful because of you being black, without knowing anything about them. You lot might find the best friends/family unit if yous reach out to them with a different attitude. Every bit to the shock, everyone, regardless of the race, is in daze when distant relatives reach out. | | | 02/02/2019 eighteen:39 Field of study: Ancestry Results & Relatives of a Different Race | Anonymous | Bearding wrote: Anonymous wrote: Anonymous wrote: Bearding wrote:NP here. You aren't necessarily racist, just you are assuming that they are. That seems unfair. I accept European DNA, with a very small percentage of West African mixed in, which I only learned from the test. Even so, I take always assumed that I would notice afar cousins who are AA given that any google search of my unusual last name brings up plenty of Black people. I take never been appalled by that - why would I be? Why would anyone be put out by Blackness relatives "falling from their branches"? It's a big world out at that place. Because that mentality fits perfectly into narrow minded racist's brains. Just re-read OP's post. Information technology is icky. Just wondering what role is disgusting? As well, I never said anyone would exist 'put out' by what falls from the family tree. But 'shocked' to get the e-mail from ane of the darkened leaves. Why are y'all so triggered? I am not triggered. I am finding it is icky to imply that people of another race volition be resentful because of you being black, without knowing anything nearly them. You might find the best friends/family if yous reach out to them with a different attitude. As to the daze, everyone, regardless of the race, is in daze when distant relatives accomplish out.[/i] WHERE did I say they would be resentful? YOU'RE PROJECTING. If I'chiliad [i]not resentful most 100+ twelvemonth old history that I didn't bear witness to, why would I expect them to be? I only expressed they'd be shocked-WHICH YOU Hold WITH! (See your bolded words) And so how are you any less disgusting than me? Frankly, I'M disgusted by the responses. It never fifty-fifty occurred to me that this thread would be anything more than than lighthearted goofiness. You are seriously PROJECTING. Now you must be honest with yourself and ask yourself WHY. | | | 02/02/2019 18:47 Subject area: Ancestry Results & Relatives of a Different Race | Anonymous | Aren't these relatives only establish if they likewise took the test and are in the data base?! So, OP, if that is the example this exam is more than accurate telling y'all who has like DNA that was tested, all skillful there. As for your African ancestry, they are guessing. | | | 02/02/2019 eighteen:49 Subject field: Ancestry Results & Relatives of a Different Race | Anonymous | Anonymous wrote: Anonymous wrote: Anonymous wrote: Bearding wrote:NP here. You aren't necessarily racist, just you are assuming that they are. That seems unfair. I have European Dna, with a very small pct of West African mixed in, which I simply learned from the test. However, I have ever causeless that I would find distant cousins who are AA given that any google search of my unusual terminal name brings up enough of Black people. I have never been appalled by that - why would I be? Why would anyone exist put out by Blackness relatives "falling from their branches"? It'southward a big world out there. Because that mentality fits perfectly into narrow minded racist's brains. Just re-read OP'due south post. It is disgusting. Just wondering what part is disgusting? Also, I never said anyone would exist 'put out' by what falls from the family tree. Just 'shocked' to get the email from one of the darkened leaves. Why are you and then triggered? I am not triggered. I am finding it is disgusting to imply that people of another race will be resentful considering of y'all being blackness, without knowing anything about them. Y'all might discover the best friends/family if you reach out to them with a different attitude. Every bit to the daze, everyone, regardless of the race, is in stupor when distant relatives reach out. Here is the original post in its entirety: Has anyone been contacted past afar relatives of another race? I'm African-American (very much then according to my results which show that I'g over ninety% African) and tempted to reach out to those white distant cousins based on my miniscule percentage of European blood (less than 5%). Just for shits and giggles. I'grand don't care to know anything nearly the white man who procreated with my great-dandy-great grandmother or connect with that side of the family unit. Most of them are 100% European and not expecting blackness relatives to fall from their branches, I'm certain. Of form I'g being airheaded and wouldn't do it. But it made me wonder if this sort of thing has happened to anyone. These people are 4th cousins and beyond. Please tell me where yous see even a HINT of resentment or its IMPLICATION on behalf of my white "relatives" (sorry but I giggle each time I type the word). Not but is there no resentment, I used the term 'procreated' with my great corking smashing grandmother. At this point they're all just leaves on my tree. Then really ask yourself why you read so much into my post that wasn't there. Is it your own racist stereotype of the angry black person? Your own horror at the thought of having black leaves fall from your family unit tree? Or are you lot disgusted at what you know your own reaction would exist to having a black person reach out to you? Because your interpretation and "disgust" accept nothing to do with ME. | | | 02/02/2019 18:55 Subject: Ancestry Results & Relatives of a Dissimilar Race | Anonymous | Aye, OP is most probable a troll, "Just for shit and giggles." Who does that? | | | 02/02/2019 eighteen:55 Subject area: Ancestry Results & Relatives of a Different Race | Bearding | Bearding wrote:Aren't these relatives only found if they too took the examination and are in the data base?! And so, OP, if that is the case this examination is more accurate telling you who has similar DNA that was tested, all good at that place. Equally for your African ancestry, they are guessing. Yes, these are relatives who also took the exam. Their guesses on my beginnings are based on DNA testing done on people who live in those different African countries. An African YouTuber (built-in and raised on the continent forever; his entire lineage is there), took the test, changing his proper noun so they couldn't easily determine his ancestry. And VOILA! The response was authentic. He tested 0% for Native American and other ethnicities, with 77% or so from Nigeria (where he's from) with the remaining from edge countries which could be explained past family migrations from the past. They were also able to track my family migrations to the US. My family ended upwards settling exactly where the test indicated they did. I took the examination and found it to be more accurate than not. | | | 02/02/2019 18:58 Subject: Ancestry Results & Relatives of a Different Race | Anonymous | Anonymous wrote:Yes, OP is near likely a troll, "Just for shit and giggles." Who does that? People with a sense of sense of humour do things for giggles all solar day. Only someone who resents the idea of black relatives would expect some other person to be bothered by getting a Howdy Cousin bulletin from a fro-sporting, daishiki wearing xc+% African with the African flag equally the background and black power fist being held up. | | | 02/02/2019 xix:06 Discipline: Ancestry Results & Relatives of a Different Race | Anonymous | It's not about being a dark leaf. It'south nearly existence obnoxious. More than obnoxious extremely distant relatives ? With a racist bias. No thanks. | | | 02/02/2019 19:09 Subject: Ancestry Results & Relatives of a Different Race | Anonymous | Bearding wrote: Anonymous wrote:Aren't these relatives only plant if they likewise took the examination and are in the data base?! So, OP, if that is the case this test is more than accurate telling you who has like Dna that was tested, all good there. As for your African beginnings, they are guessing. Aye, these are relatives who likewise took the exam. Their guesses on my ancestry are based on Dna testing done on people who alive in those different African countries. An African YouTuber (built-in and raised on the continent forever; his entire lineage is there), took the test, irresolute his name and so they couldn't easily determine his ancestry. And VOILA! The response was accurate. He tested 0% for Native American and other ethnicities, with 77% or then from Nigeria (where he'due south from) with the remaining from border countries which could exist explained by family migrations from the past. They were besides able to runway my family migrations to the US. My family ended up settling exactly where the test indicated they did. I took the examination and found it to exist more than accurate than not. . Same with my relatives who not only kept accurate records but know what surface area of the globe their ancestors dorsum many generations lived. The results were spot on. | | | | | Forum Alphabetize » Off-Topic | | | |
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