Why Should You Review Accidents in the Workplace With Your Employees

Safety Statement and Take a chance Cess

Oft Asked Questions

  • What is a Take chances Cess?
  • What is a Safety Statement?
  • What is the divergence betwixt a take a chance and a hazard?
  • Why is it important to carry out a Chance Assessment and ready a Condom Argument?
  • What does the law require regarding Adventure Assessments and Safety Statements?
  • What should be covered in a Safe Statement?
  • Who needs to read the Risk Assessments and Safety Statement?
  • How oftentimes do staff need to read the Adventure Cess and Safe Statement?
  • I only accept 1 employee; exercise I demand a Safety Statement?
  • Do I need to give a copy of the Safety Argument to every employee?
  • What is a competent person?
  • Am I qualified enough to prepare a Safety Statement correctly?
  • In relation to Safe Argument grooming will I exist compliant with my duties under Section xx of the Prophylactic Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 Act if I use a generic Safety Statement?
  • Who approves a Safety Statement?
  • How do I prepare a Rubber Statement?
  • What considerations should be taken into account when planning and setting objectives for condom and wellness in the Safety Statement?
  • Who is responsible for preparing the Hazard Cess and Safety Statement?
  • Who should acquit out the Adventure Assessment?
  • How can an employer control take chances?
  • What should be contained in the Safety Statement regarding representation, consultation and participation of employees?
  • What are the two primal components of measuring condom and health performance?
  • How should the Safety Statement be reviewed?
  • How frequently should the Safety Argument be reviewed?
  • What should the employer do after the Safety Statement has been reviewed?
  • Is anyone exempt from carrying out a Risk Assessment and/or preparing a Safety Statement?
  • My insurance company is requesting a Safety Statement; tin the Authority send me one?
  • Are there any factors to exist considered in specific Risk Assessments?
  • Risk of being struck by a fork-lift truck, due east.g. warehouses, factories:
  • Risk of exposure to isocyanate paint, e.g. garages:
  • Permit-to-piece of work systems:
  • What should the organization nautical chart of a business bear witness with regard to managing prophylactic and health?
  • I am considering seeking the advice and services of a safety consultant. Can you offer me whatever advice?
  • Publications

What is a Risk Cess?

Department 19 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 requires that employers and those who command workplaces to whatsoever extent must place the hazards in the workplaces under their control and assess the risks to safety and health at work presented past these hazards.

Employers must examine and write down these workplace risks and what to do about them. Ultimately, assessing risk means that anything in the workplace that could cause harm to your employees, other employees and other people (including customers, visitors and members of the public) must exist carefully examined. This allows y'all to estimate the magnitude of chance and decide whether the gamble is adequate or whether more precautions need to exist taken to preclude impairment.

Employers are required to implement whatsoever improvements considered necessary by the risk assessment. The aim is to ensure that no one gets hurt or becomes ill.

However, it is important to remember that, in identifying hazards and assessing risks, employers should just consider those which are generated by piece of work activities. There is no need to consider every minor chance or risk that we accept equally part of our lives.

The results of any Risk Assessments should be written into the Safety Statement.

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What is a Safe Argument?

Section twenty of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Human activity 2005 requires that an system produce a written programme to safeguard:

  • the safety and health of  employees while they work
  • the safety and health of  other people who might be at the workplace, including customers, visitors and members of the public

The Safety Statement represents a commitment to their rubber and wellness. It should state how the employer volition ensure their safe and health and state the resources necessary to maintain and review rubber and health laws and standards. The Safety Statement should influence all work activities, including

  • the selection of competent people, equipment and materials
  • the style work is done
  • how goods and services are designed and provided

Information technology is essential to write downwardly the Safety Argument and put in place the arrangements needed to implement and monitor information technology. The Safety Statement must be made bachelor to staff, and anyone else, showing that hazards take been identified and the risks assessed and eliminated or controlled.

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What is the difference betwixt a take a chance and a take chances?

A adventure, in general, refers to anything with the potential to crusade harm in terms of human being injury or ill-health, damage to property, damage to the environment or a combination of these, east.1000. chemic substances, machinery or methods of piece of work, whereas adventure means the likelihood, slap-up or small, that an undesired event volition occur due to the realisation of a hazard. Risk is dependent on the likelihood that a hazard may occur, together with the severity of the impairment suffered/consequences. Risk is as well dependent on the number of people who might be exposed to the hazard.

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Why is it important to carry out a Risk Cess and prepare a Safe Statement?

The chief aim is to brand certain that no one gets hurt or becomes ill. Accidents and ill health can ruin lives, and can too affect business if output is lost, machinery is damaged, insurance costs increase, or if you accept to become to courtroom. Therefore, carrying out Risk Assessments, preparing and implementing a Condom Argument and keeping both up to date will non in themselves prevent accidents and ill wellness but they will play a crucial part in reducing their likelihood.

Employers, managers and supervisors should all ensure that workplace practices reflect the Risk Assessments and Safety Statement. Behaviour, the way in which anybody works, must reflect the condom working practices laid down in these documents. Supervisory checks and audits should be carried out to determine how well the aims set downwardly are being accomplished. Cosmetic action should exist taken when required. Additionally, if a workplace is provided for use by others, the Condom Argument must also prepare out the safe work practices that are relevant to them.

Hence, information technology is of import to deport out a Risk Assessment and fix a Rubber Statement for:

ane. Financial reasons:
There is considerable evidence, borne out by companies' applied experiences, that effective safety and health management in the workplace contributes to business organisation success. Accidents and sick-health inflict pregnant costs, oftentimes hidden and underestimated.

2. Legal reasons:
Carrying out a Run a risk Assessment, preparing a Safety Statement and implementing what you have written downwards are non merely central to any prophylactic and wellness management system, they are required by law. Health and Safety Authority inspectors visiting workplaces will desire to know how employers are managing safety and health. If they investigate an accident, they volition scrutinise the Risk Assessment and Safety Statement, and the procedures and work practices in use. It should exist ensured that these stand upwardly to examination. If the inspector finds that one of these is inadequate, he or she can ask the employer to revise information technology. Employers can be prosecuted if they do non have a Safe Statement.

3. Moral and ethical reasons:
The process of carrying out a Take a chance Assessment, preparing a Rubber Argument and implementing what you lot have written downward will help employers forestall injuries and sick-health at work.  Employers are ethically bound to exercise all they tin to ensure that their employees do not endure affliction, a serious accident or death.

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What does the law crave regarding Adventure Assessments and Safety Statements?

Every employer is required to manage rubber and wellness at piece of work so as to forbid accidents and sick-health.  The Safety, Wellness and Welfare at Work Human activity 2005 requires employers to:

  • identify the hazards
  • carry out a Risk Assessment
  • prepare a written Safe Statement

This procedure has a applied purpose. It volition help employers and other duty holders to manage employees' safety and wellness, and go the balance right betwixt the size of any safe and health problems and what has to be washed nigh them. This is because the system must exist adventure-based. The required safety measures must be proportionate to the real risks involved and must be acceptable to eliminate, control or minimise the risk of injury. The organisation must involve consultation between the employer and his/her employees, who are required by law to cooperate with the employer in the safety-management procedure.

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What should be covered in a Rubber Statement?

The areas that should exist covered by the Prophylactic Statement are specific and are set out in Section 20 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Deed 2005. The Statement should be based on the identification of the hazards and the Hazard Assessments carried out under Department 19. It must:

  • specify how the safety and health of all employees will be secured and managed
  • specify the hazards identified and risks assessed
  • give details of how the employer is going to manage his or her safety and wellness responsibilities, including a commitment to comply with legal obligations, the protective and preventive measures taken, the resource provided for safety and health at the workplace and the arrangements used to fulfil these responsibilities
  • include the plans and procedures to be used in the event of an emergency or serious danger
  • specify the duties of employees, including the co-operation required from them on rubber and health matters
  • include the names and task titles of people appointed to be responsible for safety and health or for performing the tasks set out in the statement
  • contain the arrangements fabricated for appointing safety representatives, and for consulting with and the participation by employees on rubber and health matters, including the names of the safety representatives and the members of the safety committee, if appointed
  • be written in a class, mode and language that will exist understood past all
  • include a review machinery
  • have regard to the relevant safety and wellness legislation

The Prophylactic Argument tin refer to specific procedures contained in other documents. These documents might include:

  • Health and Rubber Authority Publications on Safety Statements and Chance Assessments for specific work sectors. See the Publications section of this website.
  • the BeSMART on line Risk Assessment and Safety Statement Tool for the specific categories for which this tool covers
  • Potency produced Codes of Practice, Guidance and Data Sheets where available. Meet the Publications department of this website.
  • manufacturer'south instructions for work equipment and machines
  • Company operating instructions and procedures

These may contain lists of the hazards and precautions relevant to your system. The BeSMART tool may exist used for preparing your Safety Statement, if your concern is covered by its templates. It is up to the employer whether to combine all the documents or proceed them separately. Nevertheless, the employer must still ensure that employees are fabricated enlightened of the risks in their work and the precautions which are necessary.

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Who needs to read the Risk Assessments and Safe Statement?

The employer must ensure that the contents of the Safety Argument, which includes the Risk Assessments, is brought to the attending of all employees and others at the workplace who may be exposed to any risks covered by the Safety Statement. In detail, all new employees must be made aware of the Prophylactic Argument when they starting time work. The Statement must be in a class and language that they all empathise.

Other people may be exposed to a specific adventure dealt with in the Condom Statement and the Statement should be brought to their attending. These people could include:

  • outside contractors who do cleaning, maintenance or building work
  • temporary workers
  • delivery people who stack their goods in the premises and come in contact with activities at that place
  • self-employed people who provide a service for the employer

Where specific tasks are carried out, which pose a serious risk to safety and wellness, the relevant contents of the Rubber Statement must be brought to the attention of those affected, setting out the hazards identified, the Risk Assessments and the prophylactic and health measures that must be taken.

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How oft exercise staff need to read the Risk Assessment and Safety Statement?

The relevant contents of the Safety Argument should exist brought to the attention of the employees and others afflicted at least annually, and whenever it is revised. The employer has an ongoing responsibility to ensure that all relevant persons are aware of the Safety Statement and understand its terms. A campaign to belch this responsibility could include a combination of written and verbal advice, including:

  • distributing the Safety Statement, specific Chance Assessments or relevant sections of it to all employees when first prepared and whenever pregnant changes are made
  • making the Safety Statement and specific Risk Assessments available electronically on company intranet sites which tin can be easily interrogated
  • verbal advice of the terms of the Safety Statement or particular Risk Assessments
  • inclusion of the relevant parts of the Rubber Statement and specific Risk Assessments in employees' handbooks or manuals
  • through ongoing training

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I only have one employee; do I need a Safe Statement?

If an employer who employs 3 or fewer employees is engaged in an activity for which there is a Lawmaking of Do for that blazon of activity, they tin fulfil their duty in relation to prophylactic statements past complying with such code of practice. This but applies where specific code(s) of practice are issued past the Health and Safety Authority.

Codes of Exercise accept been prepared for several sectors including Construction, Agriculture and Quarries.

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Do I need to give a copy of the Safety Statement to every employee?

The 2005 Act specifies the information that must exist given to employees. The Prophylactic Statement must be accessible to all employees and the sections of the Safety Statement relevant to the employees must be brought to their attention, with particular regard to the specific hazards, risks and prevention measures concerning their particular job. The Safety Statement must exist brought to the attention of all employees at least annually.

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What is a competent person? Competence - A Definition

According to the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005, a person is deemed to exist a competent person where, having regard to the task he or she is required to perform and taking account of the size or hazards (or both of them) of the undertaking or establishment in which he or she undertakes piece of work, the person possesses sufficient preparation, experience and knowledge appropriate to the nature of the work to be undertaken.

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Am I qualified plenty to set up a Condom Statement correctly?

The employer has ultimate responsibility for safe and health. In almost firms in the office, retail, commercial, service and light industrial sector, the hazards and chancy work activities are few and simple. Checking them is mutual sense, just necessary. In pocket-size firms, employers sympathise their work and tin can identify hazards and assess risks themselves. The BeSMART on line Risk Assessment and Safe Statement Tool tin can be easily filled out by an employer if it covers your work sector, but information technology is of import that the templates are filled out correctly.

There are many information sources such equally Potency produced Codes of Practices, and guidelines available to support employers when compiling Safety Statements See the Publications department of this website. Consultation should always take place with the employees, including rubber representatives, as they are the ones doing the work and dealing with the hazards on a daily basis.

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In relation to Safety Statement preparation volition I be compliant with my duties nether Section 20 of the Condom Wellness and Welfare at Piece of work Act 2005 Deed if I use a generic Rubber Statement?

No. Under Section twenty of the Deed every employer is required to prepare a Safety Statement for his/her own place of work based on the identification of the hazards and the Take a chance Assessment carried out nether Section xix of the 2005 Deed. This Prophylactic Argument specifies the way in which the prophylactic, health and welfare at work of his or her employees shall be secured and managed. This Condom Statement is specific and unique to each identify of work. An employer using a generic Safety Statement would non be compliant with Sections xix and 20 of the 2005 Act. The templates used for the BeSMART on line Risk Cess and Safety Statement Tool prepared by the Potency are also adequate, if your work sector is covered and the templates are filled out correctly. Employers tin also use the other templates detailed in the sector specific Publications produced by the Authorisation.

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Who approves a Prophylactic Statement?

The Safe Argument is required by law under Section 20 of the Safety, Wellness and Welfare at Work Deed 2005. It is the employer's responsibility to ensure it is fit for the organisation under his/her control. An Authority inspector may review a Safe Argument during an inspection of a workplace.  If he/she finds that information technology is inadequate, he/she can direct an employer to revise it within xxx days.

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How do I prepare a Condom Statement?

A comprehensive Condom Statement, if properly implemented, is a practical tool for reducing accidents and sick health at work. For small to medium-sized businesses, the training of a Prophylactic Statement should exist unproblematic and straightforward. The BeSMART Tool may be used for this process if the work activity is covered by the concern types developed for the tool. In developing a safety and health direction programme for an organisation, there are half-dozen of import steps to be followed in preparing a Condom Statement.

1. Draw up a health and safety policy:

The Safety Statement should begin with a declaration, signed at senior, responsible direction level on the employer'southward behalf. The declaration should give a commitment to ensuring that a workplace is equally safe and salubrious as reasonably practicable and that all relevant statutory requirements volition exist complied with. This declaration should spell out the policy in relation to overall condom and health operation, provide a framework for managing safety and health, and list relevant objectives.

Because the Safety Argument must be relevant at all times to the safety and health of employees and others in the workplace, the policy proclamation should signal that the Safety Argument will exist revised as changes occur and evaluated at set intervals. It should besides indicate how the relevant contents of the Statement are to be brought to the attention of employees and any other people in the workplace who might be affected by the Statement.

two. Identify the hazards

The offset pace in safeguarding safe and wellness is to identify hazards from materials, equipment, chemicals and work activities. The employer is required to systematically examine the workplace and piece of work activities to identify workplace-generated hazards.

If an employer controls more than than one piece of work location, dissimilar types of work activeness or irresolute work locations (as in route repairs or edifice work), it may be necessary to prepare a Safety Argument that has separate sections dealing with the different locations or activities. Employers will be familiar with the hazards associated with the type of work they are involved in. But to identify the primary hazards and put risks in their true perspective, employers can too check:

  • records of accidents, ill health and insurance claims
  • any relevant legislation or standards covering the run a risk (east.thou. the Construction Regulations for construction-site hazards, the Chemic Agents Regulations and Lawmaking of Practice for Chemical Hazards and their command)
  • manufacturers' instructions or datasheets

Some hazards are obvious, such every bit unguarded moving parts of machinery, dangerous fumes, electricity, working at heights, or moving heavy loads. Less obvious, but at the root of many accidents, are hazards presented past untidy workplaces and poor maintenance. In the case of some hazards, such equally excessive dissonance, it may take months or even years before damage materialises.

In most small firms in the office, retail, commercial, service and light industrial sector, the hazards and chancy piece of work activities are few and simple. Checking them is common sense, simply necessary. The BeSMART Tool can be used for many sectors when preparing a Safety Statement for a pocket-size firm. For larger firms, a responsible experienced employee or a competent prophylactic and health adviser should be used. This person must be familiar with the hazards which are relevant to the workplace under review.

A checklist of hazards can be found in the Guidelines on Risk Assessments and Safety Statements. This checklist provides a systematic, though not exhaustive, arroyo to identifying hazards in the workplace. This checklist covers concrete hazards, health hazards, chemical hazards, biological agents hazards and human-factor hazards.

iii. Acquit out a Chance Assessment

Section xix of the Safety, Wellness and Welfare at Work Deed 2005 places a duty on all employers to acquit out a Take chances Assessment. A template which tin exist used for conveying out a Risk Assessment is bachelor in the Guidelines on Risk Assessments and Safe Statements. Employers practice not have to utilize this format in order to comply with section 19. They can also use the templates generated in the BeSMART Tool, or those detailed in the sector specific Publications produced by the Authority.

4. Determine what precautions are needed

Employers may already have in place some safety measures. The Risk Assessment will tell whether these are adequate.

Employers must ensure they have washed all that the law requires. All safe and health laws provide guidance on how to assess the risks and establish appropriate safeguards. For example, in that location are legal requirements on preventing access to dangerous parts of mechanism. And so, it must also be ensured that generally accepted industry standards are in place. However, practice non necessarily end at that, considering the law likewise says that you must do what is reasonably practicable to go on the workplace safe. The real aim is to make all risks small by adding to existing precautions if necessary.

Employers need to consider if the hazard can be eliminated altogether or if the job can exist changed in any mode and then equally to make information technology safer and, if not, what safety precautions are necessary to command this chance?

v. Record the findings

The Safety Statement is the identify to record the pregnant findings of the Risk Assessments. This means writing downward the more than meaning hazards and recording the most important conclusions. The BeSMART templates can as well be used hither. Employers should inform employees about their findings. The employer should too state in the Rubber Statement where other relevant documentation is retained.

6. Review the programme and update as necessary

The Safety Statement needs to be relevant at all times. Implementing the Safety Statement should be an integral function of everyday operations. A copy of the Statement or relevant extracts of it must be kept available for inspection at or most every workplace to which it relates. Hence, it may be necessary to revise it whenever there are changes, or when Take a chance Assessments are carried out and improvements made that take an bear on on safety and health. Such changes may include changes in work processes, organisational structure, equipment or substances used, technical cognition, and legislation or standards. Changes in the workforce may besides have an impact, due east.g. altering the number of workers on a detail procedure, replacing more experienced workers with trainees or as a result of feel gained through preparation. However, it is not necessary to better the Safety Statement for every petty alter, or for each new job, but if a new job introduces meaning new hazards, you demand to assess the Risks Assessments and implement the necessary prevention measures.

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What considerations should exist taken into account when planning and setting objectives for condom and wellness in the Condom Statement?

Planning is the key to ensuring that the safety and health efforts really work.  It involves setting objectives, assessing the risks, implementing standards of performance and developing a condom culture.  The employer should record the safety and health plans in the Safety Statement. Such planning should provide for:

  • identifying hazards and assessing risks, and deciding how they can exist eliminated or controlled
  • complying with the safety and health laws that apply to the business
  • agreeing safety and health targets with directors, managers and supervisors
  • board decisions which reflect the safety and health policies as fix out in the Safety Statement
  • a purchasing and supply policy which takes prophylactic and wellness into account
  • the design of tasks, processes, equipment, products and services, and rubber systems of piece of work
  • procedures to bargain with emergencies and serious and imminent danger
  • co-operation with neighbours and/or subcontractors
  • setting standards confronting which functioning can be measured
  • ensuring co-functioning between managers then that prophylactic and wellness obligations are complied with

For information relating to rubber representatives and consultation, see FAQs on Safety Representatives and Prophylactic Consultation

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Who is responsible for preparing the Risk Assessment and Prophylactic Argument?

Those required to prepare a Run a risk Assessment and Safety Statement are:

  • all employers
  • those who control workplaces to any extent
  • those who provide workplaces for use by others
  • those who are self-employed

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Who should conduct out the Take a chance Assessment?

It is the employer'south duty, under section 19 of the 2005 Deed, to carry out the Risk Assessment so you should try to do it yourself, while involving managers and employees as much as possible. Where the in-house expertise is not available, apply the services of an external competent person to help. Check that they are familiar with your piece of work activities, take worked with this sector before and have the power to assess specific work activities. Involve as many employees every bit possible in order to encourage them to share buying of the finished Assessments. The BeSMART Tool can be used for many sectors when carrying out Gamble Assessments for minor firms. Many of the Authority prepared Codes of Practice, Guidance and Information Sheets incorporate Take chances Cess templates for specific sectors and can also be used for this purpose. Run into also the Publications section of this website for further details.

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How tin can an employer control risk?

Employers are required to do all that is reasonably practicable to minimise the risk of injury or damage to the safety and wellness of their employees. Employers will have washed all that is reasonably practicable if they have:

  • exercised intendance in putting in place necessary preventive measures
  • identified the hazards and risks relating to the place of work
  • put in place advisable measures such that it would exist grossly disproportionate to do more

Some common methods of decision-making risk are:

  • replacing a hazardous system, e.thousand. using mechanical aids to reduce or eliminate the need for manual handling
  • replacing a substance with a less hazardous substance, e.g. replacing a flammable substance with a non-flammable substance
  • designing the workplace to reduce take chances, e.g. providing guardrails around roof-mounted equipment or designated walkways and crossing points through areas with moving vehicles
  • ensuring a clean and tidy workplace to prevent trips and slips
  • extracting or containing the gamble at source, e.g. providing a fume closet with extraction
  • adapting the piece of work to the individual, eastward.g. providing adjustable acme tables or chairs to reduce musculus injuries
  • ventilating an expanse of the workplace where extraction at source is not possible
  • isolating the process or the worker, e.yard. switching off and isolating machines before conveying out repairs or alterations
  • safeguarding machinery, e.k. providing interlocked guards that switch off the machine if someone tries to gain entry to dangerous parts of it
  • providing adequate preparation and supervision
  • establishing emergency planning procedures, including commencement aid
  • providing protective equipment, clothing or signs (they should be used only as a last resort after all other means of eliminating the hazard accept been fully explored)
  • setting up adequate wellness surveillance programmes including pre-placement or regular health checks where appropriate
  • analysing and investigating accidents (including ill-wellness) and dangerous occurrences
  • using permit-to-work systems or safe working procedures
  • putting in place adequate welfare facilities
  • establishing other policies every bit appropriate, eastward.g. to eradicate bullying, etc.

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What should be independent in the Safety Statement regarding representation, consultation and participation of employees?

The Safety Statement must specify the arrangements to exist used for consultation with and participation past employees on condom and health matters. These would include the procedures to facilitate effective co-operation and communication on safety and wellness matters betwixt the employer and employees. Consultation and participation arrangements and the extent of their usage will depend on the size and complexity of the organisation. This may range from informal 1 to one discussions to a more than formal safety committee. Consultation areas include:

  • any issues which tin essentially affect safe and health
  • the employment of competent persons and condom and health experts to written report company prophylactic and wellness activities
  • appointment of persons to deal with emergencies and any prevention measures
  • carrying out Hazard Assessments and the outcome of such Assessments
  • provision of safety and health data to employees
  • the planning and organisation of safety and health training
  • procedures to be used to facilitate effective co-performance and advice on condom and health matters between employer and employees
  • grooming, and revision of, the Safety Argument, with particular reference to the written procedures covering the office of the rubber representative, the performance of prophylactic committees, or informal rubber discussions by piece of work crews, which might accept place as necessary
  • the introduction of new engineering science, equipment or chemicals and their affect on working conditions and surround.

For more information relating to safety representation and safety consultation, meet the FAQs on Prophylactic Representation and Condom Consultation.

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What are the two primal components of measuring safety and health performance?

The ii key components of measuring safety and health functioning are:

  • Active monitoring (before things go wrong).  The employer needs to conduct out routine inspections and checks to run into that standards are existence maintained. Are the objectives and standards that were ready being achieved? Are they effective?
  • Reactive monitoring (after things get wrong): investigating injuries, cases of illness, bullying complaints, property damage and almost misses - specifying in each case why functioning was sub-standard.

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How should the Prophylactic Statement exist reviewed?

In reviewing the Safety Statement, employers should consider at least the following:

  • Were the aims in the Safe Statement relevant and appropriate?
  • Did it identify the significant hazards, assess their risks and set up out the necessary preventive and protective rubber measures?
  • Were the safety and health measures, which were identified, implemented in practise? Was the planned progress achieved?
  • Were new work practices or processes introduced since the last review and if so were they risk-assessed?
  • Did yous put in place the measures necessary to comply with the relevant statutory provisions (east.grand. on safety and health management, prophylactic consultation and grooming, etc.)?
  • Did you comply fully with safety and wellness performance standards (including legislation and approved Codes of Practice)?
  • Are in that location areas where standards are absent or inadequate?
  • Take yous analysed your data to find out the firsthand and underlying causes of any injuries, affliction or incidents? Take you identified any trends and common features?
  • What new safety and wellness measures were applied following any reportable accidents or other incidents, or following any enforcement measures relating to your workplace?
  • Were adequate fiscal, physical, human and organisational resources committed to safety and health?
  • What improvements in safety and wellness performance need to be made?

As part of the review, employers will find it helpful to refer to any records which accept been kept, such as blow/incident reports, health-surveillance results, training records, inspection and inspect reports, maintenance logs, or atmospheric monitoring figures. Employers must likewise consult safe representatives and others who may exist affected past the review.

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How oftentimes should the Safe Statement be reviewed?

Implementing the Safety Statement should be an integral office of everyday operations and then it must be relevant at all times. Therefore, it should be revised periodically, at least annually, and whenever significant changes take place, or when Take a chance Assessments are carried out and improvements are fabricated that take an affect on safety and health. Such changes may include changes in the mode work is being carried out, the introduction of new work activities, changes in the organisational structure due to redundancies and to available human being ability etc.

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What should the employer do after the Prophylactic Statement has been reviewed?

Employers should bring any changes made to the attending of the safety representatives, employees and whatever other persons who may be affected by the new measures gear up out in the Prophylactic Statement. They must be informed about the new findings and of any changes in the required safety and health precautions. Make sure all modifications or improvements required by the new Adventure Assessments and Condom Statement review are implemented as presently as possible.

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Is anyone exempt from conveying out a Risk Assessment and/or preparing a Safety Statement?

A Risk Assessment must always be prepared for that identify of work. However, if iii or fewer people are employed and a Lawmaking of Practice relating to Safety Statements, prepared by the Say-so, exists for a sector or work activity, then compliance with that lawmaking is sufficient. See section 20(8) of the 2005 Act. Codes of Practice have been prepared for several sectors including Construction, Agriculture and Fishing. Please see the Publications department of this website for details.

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My insurance company is requesting a Safe Statement; can the Potency ship me one?

A Safety Argument is your specific programme, in writing, for safeguarding the health and safety of your employees.  The Authority does non supply Safe Statements. The guidelines and tools prepared past the Say-so on preparing Safety Statements and carrying out Adventure Assessments can be used for this purpose.  These guidelines are designed to help employers or the self-employed to manage prophylactic and health in the workplace. Please see the Codes of Practice part of the Publications section of this website for details.

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Are at that place whatever factors to be considered in specific Take chances Assessments?

Different workplace settings volition identify differing hazards, dependent on the piece of work activities being carried out. Therefore, assorted command measures shall be considered for the diverse risks in such workplaces, e.g.:

Take chances of a sideslip, trip or fall, e.m. all workplaces:

Slips, trips and falls are the 2nd most common type of accident in most places of work. The risk depends on:Person Slipping in a Shopping Centre

  • the bounds being kept clean, tidy and uncluttered
  • the flooring and stairs being kept in expert repair and on the type of floor used
  • the control of other trip hazards
  • the quality of lighting
  • spillages of liquid beingness cleaned promptly

The extent of injury may vary from relatively minor to severe, depending on a variety of factors including the nature of the fall, whether at the level or from a height.

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Risk of being struck by a fork-lift truck, e.g. warehouses, factories:

Vehicles in the workplace are a risk to other employees on foot. The risk is a combination of the chance that someone volition be struck, together with the probable severity of the injury. This will depend on:

  • whether pedestrians apply walkways which keep them away from moving fork-trucks
  • the number of pedestrians and fork-lift trucks using the same areas
  • the training and instruction provided to both drivers and pedestrians
  • the degree of supervision and enforcement of safe procedures (east.g. for separating pedestrians and forklifts)
  • the mechanical status of the fork-elevator truck (e.g. brakes and flashing beacons)
  • the wearing of loftier-visibility PPE

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Run a risk of exposure to isocyanate paint, e.g. garages:

Paints containing isocyanates are a chance to health. The Safety Data Canvass (SDS) and the characterization on the paint container give this information. Breathing in isocyanate fumes can cause asthma. The chance is a combination of the take chances that someone'southward lungs will be damaged together with the extent of the probable impairment. This will depend on:

  • the amount of isocyanate in the air
  • how often the job is done (all day every day or once or twice a year)
  • the piece of work method – how the pigment is used (e.g. if information technology is sprayed the risk will be greater than if brushed on)
  • the number of people that could exist affected (i.e. does simply 1 person work with the paint or exercise many? Could their work affect others?)
  • what could become incorrect (the errors that could lead to spillage and atmospheric emissions).
  • the adequacy of precautions taken, such as exhaust ventilation and personal protective equipment (Practise they comply with the legal requirements? How do they compare with good practise and national or 'trade' guidance?)

The extent of the likely harm is severe. An employee could develop asthma, which might make him or her unemployable in that industry. The Authority has produced extensive Guidance on preventing exposure to all sorts of chemicals (including an Data Sail on Isocyanate use). Please see also the Chemicals and Hazardous Substances part of the Publications department of this website for details.

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Allow-to-work systems:

A permit-to-work arrangement is a written system of the procedures which must be taken to safeguard workers doing work such every bit repair, maintenance or cleaning work in potentially dangerous areas or with dangerous operations. It involves mechanical, electrical or process isolation procedures or monitoring the atmosphere for the presence of dangerous fumes. It sets out in a systematic way the work is to exist done, the hazards involved and the precautions to exist taken.

Situations where this is necessary include when machinery could be restarted with the worker notwithstanding within it, or working in confined spaces where there is a danger of chemical or physical contamination.

The employer should write down in the Condom Statement what work activities require a let-to-work system. Please run across the Working in Confined Spaces office of our website. Employers may besides demand to consider other sector specific Guidance from the Dominance equally detailed in our Publications surface area

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What should the system chart of a business show with regard to managing prophylactic and health?

The Rubber Statement should incorporate an organisation chart showing the safety and health direction construction and the names and responsibilities of key personnel. Equally a minimum, it must include the proper noun of the person at senior management or director level with delegated responsibility for safety and wellness in the company. It must also be ensured that the lath of Directors or other management trunk in charge know they have safety and health responsibilities as well.

 Responsibilities should be clearly identified:

  • identify people responsible for item safety and health jobs, especially where special expertise is called for, e.chiliad. for conveying out Risk Assessments, monitoring compliance with safety and health standards, driving forklift trucks, etc.
  • ensure that managers, supervisors and team leaders empathise their responsibilities and have the time and resources to deport them out.
  • lines of communication should also be laid downwards between the unlike levels of responsibility.
  • ensure that anybody knows what they must practise and how they volition exist held accountable - set objectives.
  • lead by example. Demonstrate a commitment and provide clear direction. Let everyone know that rubber and health is important.

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I am considering seeking the advice and services of a safety consultant. Tin you offer me any advice?

Department 18 of the Prophylactic, Health and Welfare at Work Human activity 2005 states that, where a competent employee (in matters relating to wellness and rubber), is available to an employer, that person should exist utilised to address issues relating to safe, wellness and welfare. If the employer does not take access to a competent person "in-house", s/he should obtain the services of someone from outside the organisation to assess and propose on the safety, health and welfare requirements.

Prior to engaging the services of a consultant, the employer should make reasonable enquiries that the person or company being employed has an adequate level of competence to accost the work activities under consideration. This might involve checking the consultant's qualifications and experience, to be assured that southward/he has the requisite competence to address the issues of wellness and safety within the workplace. Generally a person specialising in safe consultancy will take, in addition to relevant experience, a certificate, diploma, degree or other qualification in the field of occupational health and safety. They might too be a member of a professional person body specialising in occupational health and safety, such as the Establish of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH), the Chartered Society for Worker Health Protection (BOHS) and/or other professional institutes.

Depending on the work activities and the workplace under consideration, the consultant might need to have additional qualifications and experience in the blazon of activity being assessed. S/he might also need to have access to specialist data and expertise to exist in a position to be adequately informed before assessing the nature and extent of the hazards inside a workplace and the appropriate command measures and systems to put in place to fairly address those hazards on an ongoing and systematic ground.

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Source: http://www.hsa.ie/eng/Topics/Managing_Health_and_Safety/Safety_Statement_and_Risk_Assessment/

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